Cooking with Gas (2024) CD

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BHG CWG cover.jpg

Cooking with Gas (2024) CD


In this seventh album and 2024 release, Big Harp George and the band are, indeed, cooking with gas! The musical camaraderie shines through in each of the 12 tunes.

At times, George’s harp soars over the simmering grooves and at other times, it’s integrated tightly within them. The songwriting is as sharp as ever, with George’s trademark wit sparing no one, including himself. The Sons of the Soul Revivers are back, enriching all but the three instrumentals, which are unique gems in themselves. And the band members each have ample space to strut their own individual stuff.

Critics are hailing this as George’s and the band's finest work yet. As one remarked: “He’s tapped into some sort of secret, as each great album is followed by an even better one.”

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